Recent News - Glastar Sunrooms by SunShade

Recent News

Here Today and Here Tomorrow... Really Means a Lot!

Happy Canada Day!! Midway through another busy season, we have spoken to many people who have concerns about who they should be dealing with. Being in business for over 40 years, we have seen many sunroom companies come and go, and have heard of numerous [...] Read Entire Article


Recently I overheard an interesting conversation between one of our designers and a client. He told the client that the sunroom he was considering was actually free! And he's right! How can a company stay in business by providing free products? Of course, we have to charge for our products [...] Read Entire Article

Purchasing a Sunroom (Part 2)

Last article, tips were given about how to shop for a sunroom. In this issue I will cover the next step, the agreement. A written contract protects both you and the company. It should be very detailed but also understandable. If you are unsure what it is you are signing…DON’T. [...] Read Entire Article

Purchasing a Sunroom (Part 1)

Considering a patio enclosure or sunroom? The following tips should help you make an informed decision. Who should you deal with? Ask relatives, friends or even other companies you trust for recommendations. Visit Home Shows and/or consult the Yellow pages. Consider several [...] Read Entire Article

Finally Nice Weather!!!

Up until this week we really haven’t had a lot of nice weather. What happened to global warming? Thankfully, we seem to be getting back to normal (or slightly above) temperatures. There are many variables that can cause delays but weather is the biggest factor. From April to June we [...] Read Entire Article
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